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Kathleen F. Site Admin

Joined: 08 Sep 2005 Posts: 11557 Location: NM Albuquerque
Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 3:52 pm Post subject: Qualifications for membership, how to join |
Due to the sensitive nature of referrals, ours is a closed forum. The only section you can read is this one, forum management and the CPSIA folder. If you'd like to join us, these are the conditions under which you can qualify and then I'll explain why:
1. Payment of an initiation fee which is $600 OR
2. Provide proof of purchase for a new copy of The Entrepreneur's Guide to Sewn Product Manufacturing ($60).
The reason we make a book purchase mandatory is to prevent the forum from becoming clogged answering the same questions over and over. If people repeatedly ask the same questions, everyone else is frustrated having to explain the ABC's all the time. This way, we have one "same page" to be on and can all go on to address the unique factors pertinent to one's given niche.
It has to be a new book because used books don't financially support the site. Without financial support, this resource would not exist. I am happy to help people and no one else in the industry does as much as I do but I have to make a living just like you. Besides, just as you hope to realize a profit from my and our advice, it's only fair you contribute to the sustenance of the system which provided it. Exception: If you bought a used copy and can provide its proof of purchase, you can become a member by paying the annual renewal fee in advance ($45). Links to purchase the text follow at close.
A lot of service providers feel they shouldn't have to buy the book and I understand why but the more experienced someone is, the more they like it and find it useful -much to their surprise. Moreover, it's only fair to sustain the forum financially, particularly if you are getting customers from it. But most of all, you cannot recommend that your customers read the book unless you've seen it yourself, making your operation more profitable.
At this time, the first year of membership is free. Renewals are $45 annually. I do not like to annoy people who may be uninterested in continuing so you will likely receive only one renewal notice. If you don't renew, you'll be deleted within two weeks of notice. If you have financial limitations, please return email to notify me when your budget permits the expenditure. If you are deleted but would like to renew later, you are encouraged to reapply once you've made payment.
To apply:
Fill out the registration form. Your username must be your real name meaning firstname <space> last name [ex: John Smith but not Johnsmith or John_Smith etc]. Like any professional organization, we go by real names not pseudonyms. If you do not follow this protocol, it will slow down your approval. Other nonconforming usernames may be deleted if they look like bot registrations.
After you register, the system will automatically mail you the rules of membership with your password and username. Hit reply to this email and send your proof of purchase. If you can't respond within 2 calender days, your registration will be deleted so you have to reregister if that happens.
Once you have sent proof of purchase, I will send you a link to the orientation which has suggestions for making the most of your membership.
Challenge email addresses
I do understand the necessity of challenge email addresses these days but I have no recourse other than to deny membership to anyone using them and for three reasons.
1. The phpbb forum software is unable to respond to challenges. Phpbb will notify you that a thread you have posted to, has been updated saving you the bother of having to log in to check. Challenge emails will bounce and clog my email box.
2. No one will spam you so it is unnecessary. The only people who can contact you from within phpbb are other members. This has NEVER happened but if it should, please forward the email ( and the offending party will be suspended. [If someone emails you directly, not from within the phpbb system, saying they found you on fashion-incubator, it is likely they found your email address from your website which they may have found via a comment you may have left on the blog site. It's best to verify their membership status with their username before responding, particularly if they want information.]
3. While the forum is private, it is not anonymous. A key condition of membership is having full and complete contact information for everyone.
Service Providers
Some people may be required to provide a reference; this is for member protection. Typically, these are businesses that offer services to designer entrepreneurs. A character reference can be someone who already belongs to the forum, someone who told you about fashion incubator, someone in the industry, a business associate or whatever. Just someone who can vouch for you. If you don't have a referral, you can call me for a chat. The main reason I like to chat is I can make appropriate referrals if I have an inventory of your skill set, experience and preferences. No one is well served if I send you clients that are a poor fit. Call me for a chat to tell me about yourself. I love catching up with colleagues. 505-877-1713
Just like school, participation is required. Ours is a friendly active forum. If you will be asking questions, you are strongly recommended to post a bio. If you don't, it's likely few or no one will respond. More info on this is included in this post (gated, sorry).
Thanks and I hope you'll consider joining us.
Btw, this book is the most highly rated and acclaimed book in the garment industry. It is available on the right side of the page at Fashion-Incubator as well as here at Between the two, I prefer you buy it from me, I pay Amazon a hefty commission. You can also buy it by phone with visa/mc by calling me at 505-877-1713.
You can read sample chapters and see a table of contents here.
Last edited by Kathleen F. on Fri Apr 23, 2010 3:04 pm; edited 8 times in total |
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Suzanne Renewing Member

Joined: 23 Jan 2007 Posts: 76 Location: UT
Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 1:07 pm Post subject: |
Good for you!!! This will only make the forums even better! |
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Melissa Huhn Guest
Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 8:59 am Post subject: Oops! Will start participating right now! |
I've read the book, and I've been reading the blog and the forum for a while now, but I've been afraid to participate because I'm very new at this and don't have a lot of info to offer. I didn't realize that I get kicked out if I don't participate! I will go and post a bio now, and try to find somewhere where I can help out in the forums... Thanks for the reminder Kathleen! And my apologies for not being a member in good standing! :oops: |
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Jody Guest
Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 9:31 am Post subject: |
I may have missed it. But, do we send renewal fees through the donations link? |
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Kathleen F. Site Admin

Joined: 08 Sep 2005 Posts: 11557 Location: NM Albuquerque
Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 9:39 am Post subject: |
HI Jody, yes, through Donations is good with Membership Renewal in the subject line. You don't expire for another 5 months! It's real easy to know the date you join (under your name in the left pane). |
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Jody Guest
Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 6:18 pm Post subject: |
Of course! How simple. Thanks! |
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Mano & Milo Guest
Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 3:46 pm Post subject: |
How fortuitous that I came across this post - just 9 days before I'm due for a renewal!! |
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Pam Saavedra Guest
Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 10:06 pm Post subject: Gift membership question |
Quick question - I just bought a new book as a gift to the CEO of my company. I am forcing her to read it too - LOL.
I bought it for her because I think she would benefit tremendously from reading it and I wanted to do it for her as a gift, and I know that if I got it for her she will read it, but not sure she would get it for herself because she would feel like she is taking it from something more important from the business or something like that for something personal. She is really selfless and puts everybody's needs before hers -- I really admire that in her. You don't find many peole in business with that kind of heart, yet drive and ambition to make it through. That why I love working with this company and want to make it a succeful one .
Anyway, aside from the lovefest, since I bought the book, can she still get membership in the forum, or does she have to pay separately? What the deal there?
Thanks! |
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Kathleen F. Site Admin

Joined: 08 Sep 2005 Posts: 11557 Location: NM Albuquerque
Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 8:04 am Post subject: |
I'm so glad you're fortunate to work for someone who inspires you so much.
Yes she can join with your gift purchase, no problem! _________________ Please don't PM me, use the email button instead. |
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