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Wacky Hermit Guest
Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 8:40 pm Post subject: I contacted... |
I wrote to Doug Wright at KSL (local talk show host at the NBC affiliate in Salt Lake City) and to Get Gephardt (the consumer affairs reporter at the ABC affiliate in Salt Lake City). I gave a summary of the problem, the National Bankruptcy Day URL and mentioned that this has not gotten any significant media attention and asked them if they would like to be the first to break the story. |
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Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 9:45 pm Post subject: |
I spent the evening writing to the crew at SmashingDarling (like an all fashion etsy). I also sent letters to a few children's fashion bloggers, asking them to help spread the word. |
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CraftyChefGraphics Guest
Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 8:06 am Post subject: |
I might get a bite from Jason Lewis, who is a local radio talk host here in the Twin Cities; I got a reply from his sidekick, but I don't know if it was an auto-reply thing or not. He often subs for Rush Limbaugh, so it could go somewhere if he decides to run with it.
I've contacted Sean Hannity, Michelle Malkin, Powerline Blog, and will contact Mark Levin, and Dennis Prager. |
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Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 8:14 am Post subject: |
In the next day or two (my daughter is in ICU and will probably be transferred to another hospital anytime now), I will get in touch with Donny Deutsch of The Big Idea. When he had me on his program 2 months ago, he said he'd like me to personally follow-up with him on the progress of both my clothing line and my daughter's health. And stressed if there was anything he could do for me, just to let him know. yeah...especially since this effects thousands in his viewing audience.
Give me a few days and I'm on it. |
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Kiki allthenumbers Guest
Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 8:34 am Post subject: |
The Patriot Ledger (local Boston paper) replied to my letter and is intrested in picking up the story. Will let you know when it appears. |
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CraftyChefGraphics Guest
Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 9:35 am Post subject: Washington Post (consumer product) reporter |
OK, here's a gal at the Washington Post who does a lot of consumer product articles, including a small mention of the CPSIA. Contact her today - I just sent her an email about CPSIA. The Washington Post is a major newspaper, picked up by everyone: |
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Kathleen F. Site Admin

Joined: 08 Sep 2005 Posts: 11557 Location: NM Albuquerque
Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 9:53 am Post subject: |
Was the mention today? I didn't see it. There was a query put about yesterday, a WP reporter was looking for sources. I still haven't heard from anyone. |
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Jesica Milton Guest
Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 10:37 am Post subject: |
...That post by "Guest" up there was me Guess I didn't realize that I wasn't logged in! |
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CraftyChefGraphics Guest
Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 11:48 am Post subject: |
Kathleen F. wrote: |
Was the mention today? I didn't see it. There was a query put about yesterday, a WP reporter was looking for sources. I still haven't heard from anyone. |
No, this was an article from...Nov 13, I believe. Point is, she does a lot of consumer product articles, so could be a good source. If people keep asking her about the issue, she just might grab on to it. |
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Kathleen F. Site Admin

Joined: 08 Sep 2005 Posts: 11557 Location: NM Albuquerque
Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 12:33 pm Post subject: |
I just got an email from her asking me to call her which I did. Left a message. |
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Kiki allthenumbers Guest
Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 1:27 pm Post subject: |
I have contacted local ABC, NBC, CBS and Fox affiliates, as well as NPR. |
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Kathleen F. Site Admin

Joined: 08 Sep 2005 Posts: 11557 Location: NM Albuquerque
Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 4:10 pm Post subject: |
I got off the phone with the reporter..oh, almost two hours ago? Meant to post sooner than this.
I was really pleased at the questions she asked, boy, she seemed to have quite a grasp of it, quite impressive! This is a complex issue. She'd already talked to some people which was helpful. I gave her additional names for better info like Steve Lamar (AAFA) and Gary Wassner (Hilldun Factors). A lot of people don't grok at the outset how inventory based loans are an issue, she did.
I talked a lot about you guys, how many are crunchy granola types doing 100% organic, fair trade or doing everything yourselves at home. I told her the size of the segment (68% of kids wear manufacturers are small companies), that about 30% of F-I visitors are tiny, even one person companies who make this stuff and are huge supporters of the intent and purpose of the law but that even with all your efforts, couldn't comply not through any lack of intent. I spoke to her about the testing lab situation, that there aren't enough to go around etc etc. Hope that was enough. She says they're hoping for the front page. Let's hope it makes it! Keep your fingers crossed. |
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Jesica Milton Guest
Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 4:13 pm Post subject: |
Oh my gosh Kathleen that is so great! I'm keeping my figers crossed for the front page story. |
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toteandtee- Amy Guest
Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 4:34 pm Post subject: |
I am new here, but have been reading since you opened the boards, thanks so much!
I have been trying to spread the word as best I can on Twitter. Honestly any kind of legal stuff makes me have a big ol' stomach ache and would love to just crawl under that rock and ignore it but I know I can't do that.
I will absolutely be out of business if this stays as I understand it now. Ugh!
Good news maybe, I wrote a letter to my officials here in Arizona and it was obviously not read because the reply said they are doing what they can to implement it in a timely manner. Minutes after getting the email from McCain, I twittered ( about it and in minutes I got a reply from my local newscaster! I wrote to her about it, so we will see what happens. I am not super comfortable talking about this yet because it's still so confusing to me but I am doing what I can!
Amy |
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Kiki allthenumbers Guest
Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 7:32 pm Post subject: |
I got a call from the local Boston paper Editorial board and they asked my to write a guest Editorial column for the weekend edition. This is what I wrote, and I would really appreciate any input: factual errors, language problems, or things I need to include. I had written a longer article but I have space issues (600 words). I don't know how you comment on here, so forgive me, but if you don't want to clog up the post you can email me at
I run a small one-woman business creating handmade children's clothing and quilts. I have spent the last six months growing my business and working incredibly hard to create a good product. I love what I do! But as of February 10, myself and thousands of others will be out of business.
Remember the outcry last holiday season over lead in imported toys? In order to combat such safety issues, the Consumer Product Safety Commission has passed legislation called the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA). The law sets stringent guidelines for children’s products containing lead and phthalates (a chemical used in some vinyl products). It is supposed to go into effect February 10th, 2009, and after that date any product intended for children ages 12 and under must meet these guidelines, and have a certificate of compliance from a CPSC-accredited laboratory. This includes not just toys, but clothing, jewelry, blankets, sheets, books, bibs, strollers, carriers, and anything else that a child under 12 might come in contact with.
Sounds great, right? In theory, maybe. But is actuality the law is so far reaching that it may succeed in turning the economy upside down.
For starters, the CPSIA requires end unit testing on every product intended for use by children under 12. It is the responsibility of the manufacturer to do this testing, regardless of how small the business. That means that manufacturers (like myself ) will have to pay to get every different product they offer tested. These tests have to be done at a CSPC accredited lab, and cost up to $4,000 with an average of around $150. So for me, I offer 3 different types of dresses. Each dress contains 2 different fabrics, as well as buttons, and thread, so that's potentially $600 to test one dress. But I have 3 styles, so that's $1800. And when I get a new bolt of fabric, I need to start all over again. I can only make 15 dresses from one bolt, so there is no way I could make the testing financially feasible.
At present, there are no exemptions for small businesses and "micro" manufacturers like myself and most handcraft artisans.
There is no exception for quantities made, where the garments/products are made or anything else. Nor is there an exception for unadorned fabric components, unfinished wood components, materials which, by their nature, are free of lead and phthalates. Also, the Act takes a "guilty until proven innocent" approach, which would treat a handmade, unfinished wooden toy that doesn't meet the certification deadline of 2/10/09 as a "banned hazardous substance" which would be illegal to distribute in this country. Each infraction carries a $100,000 felony charge.
This legislation is also retroactive for any pre-existing inventory as of February 10th, 2009. This means that everything on the shelves in those big (or small) stores will also be "banned, hazardous substances" - contraband. Larger corporations that can afford testing will incur thousands, maybe millions of dollars in fees, and this expense will be handed down to the consumer, probably making the prices for children's products go through the roof. This also means that after that date, even selling your kids old things on eBay or Craigslist will be illegal. Charities will not be able to accept donations without a certificate of compliance either.
February 10, 2009 is being dubbed “National Bankruptcy Day” by many people in the apparel and toy industry. If this legislation is not amended, it will affect everyone from port workers to parents looking for legal products. Billions of dollars worth of children's products will have to be destroyed because they can’t be legally sold, and this will cause major environmental problems.
While I am all for higher safety standards and keeping our kids safe, this law is so overreaching as to put thousands on manufacturers of children's products out of business -hurting our economy and causing even more loan defaults.
Though this legislation was well-intentioned, it cannot be allowed to stand as is. Please help us defend the American dream and our entrepreneurial spirit! This law affects every stay at home mom trying to help put food on the table and every grandmother knitting blankets for the local craft fair. It makes the thousands of us who have found a niche in the burgeoning handmade market have to make a tough decision - continue to produce items illegally and possible incur a $100,000 fine, or close up shop and maybe not be able to pay the mortgage this month.
Please help us! Contact your Congressperson using this link
I only takes 30 seconds! If you have an extra minute send a hard copy of the letter as well!
To sign the online petition:
Read more about it here: |
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