Miracle Site Admin

Joined: 13 Jan 2006 Posts: 946 Location: CA
Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 11:42 am Post subject: CPSIA: What you can do |
Eric H wrote: |
The bill, HR 4040, was introduced by Bobby Rush, Illinois. The following co-sponsored it (the date is the day they signed on):
Rep Ackerman, Gary L. [NY-5] - 12/19/2007
Rep Allen, Thomas H. [ME-1] - 11/1/2007
Rep Altmire, Jason [PA-4] - 12/19/2007
Rep Baldwin, Tammy [WI-2] - 11/1/2007
Rep Barrow, John [GA-12] - 11/1/2007
Rep Barton, Joe [TX-6] - 11/1/2007
Rep Bean, Melissa L. [IL-8] - 12/18/2007
Rep Berry, Marion [AR-1] - 11/1/2007
Rep Bishop, Sanford D., Jr. [GA-2] - 11/1/2007
Rep Bordallo, Madeleine Z. [GU] - 11/13/2007
Rep Boucher, Rick [VA-9] - 12/11/2007
Rep Boyd, Allen [FL-2] - 11/1/2007
Rep Boyda, Nancy E. [KS-2] - 11/1/2007
Rep Burgess, Michael C. [TX-26] - 11/1/2007
Rep Butterfield, G. K. [NC-1] - 11/13/2007
Rep Capps, Lois [CA-23] - 11/1/2007
Rep Cardoza, Dennis A. [CA-18] - 11/1/2007
Rep Castor, Kathy [FL-11] - 11/15/2007
Rep Clarke, Yvette D. [NY-11] - 12/11/2007
Rep Clay, Wm. Lacy [MO-1] - 11/1/2007
Rep Cleaver, Emanuel [MO-5] - 11/1/2007
Rep Clyburn, James E. [SC-6] - 11/1/2007
Rep Courtney, Joe [CT-2] - 12/11/2007
Rep Cummings, Elijah E. [MD-7] - 12/18/2007
Rep Davis, Danny K. [IL-7] - 11/1/2007
Rep DeFazio, Peter A. [OR-4] - 11/15/2007
Rep DeGette, Diana [CO-1] - 11/1/2007
Rep Dingell, John D. [MI-15] - 11/1/2007
Rep Donnelly, Joe [IN-2] - 12/19/2007
Rep Doyle, Michael F. [PA-14] - 11/8/2007
Rep Ellison, Keith [MN-5] - 11/1/2007
Rep Emanuel, Rahm [IL-5] - 11/1/2007
Rep Engel, Eliot L. [NY-17] - 12/12/2007
Rep Farr, Sam [CA-17] - 12/4/2007
Rep Fortenberry, Jeff [NE-1] - 12/11/2007
Rep Giffords, Gabrielle [AZ-8] - 11/15/2007
Rep Gillibrand, Kirsten E. [NY-20] - 11/1/2007
Rep Gonzalez, Charles A. [TX-20] - 11/1/2007
Rep Gordon, Bart [TN-6] - 11/1/2007
Rep Green, Al [TX-9] - 11/1/2007
Rep Green, Gene [TX-29] - 11/1/2007
Rep Hall, John J. [NY-19] - 11/1/2007
Rep Hare, Phil [IL-17] - 12/11/2007
Rep Harman, Jane [CA-36] - 11/1/2007
Rep Hastings, Alcee L. [FL-23] - 11/15/2007
Rep Herseth Sandlin, Stephanie [SD] - 11/13/2007
Rep Hill, Baron P. [IN-9] - 11/1/2007
Rep Hinojosa, Ruben [TX-15] - 12/4/2007
Rep Hodes, Paul W. [NH-2] - 11/1/2007
Rep Honda, Michael M. [CA-15] - 12/11/2007
Rep Hooley, Darlene [OR-5] - 12/12/2007
Rep Inslee, Jay [WA-1] - 11/1/2007
Rep Jackson-Lee, Sheila [TX-18] - 11/1/2007
Rep Johnson, Eddie Bernice [TX-30] - 11/1/2007
Rep Johnson, Henry C. "Hank," Jr. [GA-4] - 12/12/2007
Rep Kaptur, Marcy [OH-9] - 11/1/2007
Rep Kildee, Dale E. [MI-5] - 11/1/2007
Rep Lampson, Nick [TX-22] - 12/12/2007
Rep Langevin, James R. [RI-2] - 11/15/2007
Rep Larson, John B. [CT-1] - 11/1/2007
Rep Lee, Barbara [CA-9] - 11/15/2007
Rep Lipinski, Daniel [IL-3] - 11/1/2007
Rep Lowey, Nita M. [NY-18] - 11/8/2007
Rep Mahoney, Tim [FL-16] - 12/12/2007
Rep Matheson, Jim [UT-2] - 11/1/2007
Rep Matsui, Doris O. [CA-5] - 11/13/2007
Rep McCarthy, Carolyn [NY-4] - 11/1/2007
Rep McNerney, Jerry [CA-11] - 11/13/2007
Rep McNulty, Michael R. [NY-21] - 11/15/2007
Rep Melancon, Charlie [LA-3] - 12/12/2007
Rep Moore, Dennis [KS-3] - 12/4/2007
Rep Moran, James P. [VA-8] - 12/12/2007
Rep Murphy, Christopher S. [CT-5] - 12/18/2007
Rep Pastor, Ed [AZ-4] - 12/13/2007
Rep Perlmutter, Ed [CO-7] - 12/4/2007
Rep Pomeroy, Earl [ND] - 12/12/2007
Rep Reichert, David G. [WA-8] - 12/12/2007
Rep Reyes, Silvestre [TX-16] - 12/4/2007
Rep Richardson, Laura [CA-37] - 12/11/2007
Rep Ross, Mike [AR-4] - 11/1/2007
Rep Rush, Bobby [IL-1] (introduced 11/1/2007)
Rep Sanchez, Loretta [CA-47] - 11/1/2007
Rep Sarbanes, John P. [MD-3] - 12/11/2007
Rep Schakowsky, Janice D. [IL-9] - 12/18/2007
Rep Scott, Robert C. "Bobby" [VA-3] - 11/1/2007
Rep Sestak, Joe [PA-7] - 11/1/2007
Rep Shea-Porter, Carol [NH-1] - 11/8/2007
Rep Sires, Albio [NJ-13] - 12/12/2007
Rep Solis, Hilda L. [CA-32] - 11/1/2007
Rep Space, Zachary T. [OH-18] - 12/4/2007
Rep Stearns, Cliff [FL-6] - 11/1/2007
Rep Stupak, Bart [MI-1] - 11/1/2007
Rep Sutton, Betty [OH-13] - 12/4/2007
Rep Tauscher, Ellen O. [CA-10] - 12/13/2007
Rep Thompson, Bennie G. [MS-2] - 11/1/2007
Rep Towns, Edolphus [NY-10] - 11/1/2007
Rep Van Hollen, Chris [MD-8] - 12/4/2007
Rep Visclosky, Peter J. [IN-1] - 12/4/2007
Rep Walden, Greg [OR-2] - 12/13/2007
Rep Walsh, James T. [NY-25] - 11/15/2007
Rep Wasserman Schultz, Debbie [FL-20] - 11/13/2007
Rep Waxman, Henry A. [CA-30] - 12/13/2007
Rep Welch, Peter [VT] - 12/12/2007
Rep Whitfield, Ed [KY-1] - 11/1/2007
Rep Wilson, Charles A. [OH-6] - 11/15/2007
Rep Woolsey, Lynn C. [CA-6] - 11/1/2007
Rep Wynn, Albert Russell [MD-4] - 11/1/2007
Senator Mark Pryor (Arkansas) introduced S. 2663 and S. 2045 (Senate variants) to the Senate. The following co-sponsored those
Sen Collins, Susan M. [ME] - 2/25/2008
Sen Durbin, Richard [IL] - 2/26/2008
Sen Harkin, Tom [IA] - 3/3/2008
Sen Inouye, Daniel K. [HI] - 2/25/2008
Sen Klobuchar, Amy [MN] - 2/25/2008
Sen Lincoln, Blanche L. [AR] - 2/28/2008
Sen Nelson, Bill [FL] - 2/25/2008
Sen Pryor [AR]
Sen Salazar, Ken [CO] - 3/4/2008
Sen Schumer, Charles E. [NY] - 2/26/2008
Sen Stevens, Ted [AK] - 2/25/2008
If your Congessperson is in here, let 'em know. I will come back to edit this with e-mail and/or links to their websites.
Incidentally, Schumer is also behind the Fashion Piracy Act (S.1957) while Bordallo and Towns are co-sponsoring its HR equivalent (2033).
Some of them, of course, will not be returning this session. As Congresspeople, anyhow. Maybe as lobbyists? |
Miracle Site Admin

Joined: 13 Jan 2006 Posts: 946 Location: CA
Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 11:46 am Post subject: |
Eric H wrote: |
She doesn't appear to be one of "us", but Nature's Child makes good points in this blog post.
Quote: |
* For most products, testing of componsent materials instead of finished products would save millions of dollars in testing fees and make the law less burdensome on the small business owner.
* Explain that this law mandates unnecessary testing of materials, that by their very nature, are at no risk of contamination by lead and phthalates: specifically unadorned fabrics, sewing thread, paperunfinished wood, and wood finished with food-grade finishes (such as beeswax).
* Explain that this law is not compatible with international safety standards, such as the EU's EN71, that already impose even stricter limits that the new US standard on harmful chemicals in childrens' products. As a result, manufacturers of the world's safest toys would have to spend millions of dollars on redundant testing in order to continue selling their products in this country.
* Explain that as it stands, this part of the law will put thousands of small manufacturers out of business - hurting our economy and causing even more loan defaults.
* Explain that making the law retroactive would put millions of small independent children's stores out of business, as large portions of their inventory are defined as "banned hazardous substances" overnight - regardless of whether these products contain dangerous materials.
* Point out that requiring testing of finished products makes it impossible to legally sell handmade products for children. This removes consumer choice as well as devastating businesses that specialize in handmade items.
* Explain how offering consumer choices is going to be incredibly expensive - having to test every product over and over even when the materials are the same and only details such as size or fabric print change will make it too expensive for small businesses to carry a broad variety of products.
* Explain that you believe there are alternatives that are workable solutions and still protect kids.
* Explain that this rule favors those who manufacture in mass quantity and hurts smaller, more varied businesses. Grandma is going to be a felon if she sells baby items at craft fairs.
Let them know that you will be following up after the next hearing to talk further. Let them know that the law is going to hurt YOU as a consumer as well as any businesses you may have.
Offer some alternatives to help them out. No Congressperson is going to want to stand up and say, “Let’s make toys unsafe again!” If you offer them some workable ideas, you will make a lot more progress. Some alternatives that have been suggested:
* Exempt products made from materials that are very unlikely to contain lead - fabric, paper, wood, etc.
* Exempt categories of items such as books, unadorned textiles, or handmade items made in the USA and Canada.
* Exempt products from Canada or the EU that are already certified under standards that meet or exceed the CPSC standard. |
She links to her own message, which is great, but we need in addition to that something more generic which can then be amended by each person with their personal details (where are you, what's the name of your business, how many do you employee). |